"Buenos Aires": Kubernetes Pod Crashing

Scenario: "Buenos Aires": Kubernetes Pod Crashing

Level: Medium

Type: Fix

Tags: kubernetes   realistic-interviews  

Description: There are two pods: "logger" and "logshipper" living in the default namespace. Unfortunately, logshipper has an issue (crashlooping) and is forbidden to see what logger is trying to say. Could you help fix Logshipper?

Do not change the K8S definition of the logshipper pod. Use "sudo".

Because k8s takes a minute or two to change the pod state initially, the check for the scenario is made to fail in the first two minutes.

Credit Srivatsav Kondragunta

Root (sudo) Access: False

Test: kubectl get pods -l app=logshipper --no-headers -o json | jq -r '.items[] | "\(.status.containerStatuses[0].ready)"' returns true

Time to Solve: 20 minutes.

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Updated: 2025-02-28 01:54 UTC – 4315d70