"Manado": How much do you press?

Scenario: "Manado": How much do you press?

Level: Medium

Type: Do

Tags: pro  

Description: You have been tasked with compressing the file /home/admin/names, which is 35147 bytes, to a size smaller than 9400 bytes. You can use any compressing tool at your disposal (there are many available in the server), also you can modify the file without deleting anything in it. Put the solution (compressed file) in the /home/user/admin/solution directory with the default extension used by the compression tool (example: ~/solution/names.gzip).

Root (sudo) Access: False

Test: The size of the compressed file is smaller than 9400 bytes.

The "Check My Solution" button runs the script /home/admin/agent/check.sh, which you can see and execute.

Time to Solve: 30 minutes.

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Updated: 2025-03-23 04:20 UTC – 50d047e