"Singara": Docker and Kubernetes web app not working.

Scenario: "Singara": Docker and Kubernetes web app not working.

Level: Hard

Type: Fix

Tags: docker   kubernetes   unusual-tricky  

Description: There's a k3s Kubernetes install you can access with kubectl. The Kubernetes YAML manifests under /home/admin have been applied. The objective is to access from the host the "webapp" web server deployed and find what message it serves (it's a name of a town or city btw). In order to pass the check, the webapp Docker container should not be run separately outside Kubernetes as a shortcut.

Root (sudo) Access: False

Test: curl localhost:8888 returns a value from the webapp deployed Kubernetes pod.

Time to Solve: 20 minutes.

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Updated: 2025-03-23 04:20 UTC – 50d047e