Troubleshooting Scenarios

apache bash caddy csv disk volumes dns docker etcd git gunicorn hack haproxy java json kubernetes mysql nginx postgres rabbitmq sql ssh ssl supervisord
realistic / interviews new pro


Scenarios that are unrealistic or tricky/weird
# Name Level Time Type
1 "Venice": Am I in a container? Medium 15 m Do
2 "Oaxaca": Close an Open File Medium 15 m Fix
3 "Paris": Where is my webserver? Medium 15 m Hack
4 "Jakarta": it's always DNS. Hard 20 m Fix No Registration
5 "Singara": Docker and Kubernetes web app not working. Hard 20 m Fix
6 "Monaco": Disappearing Trick Hard 30 m Hack

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Updated: 2024-12-15 23:40 UTC – 221fad7